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apple cider vinegar
02 Oct 2013, 21:21
I bought some apple cider vinegar, the one with the sediment called mother in the bottom. May just be a coincidence but it seems to have fixed my ongoing constipation. I've probably taken over a day in doses 2 tablespoons mixed with water and not all at once.
Re: apple cider vinegar
03 Oct 2013, 00:09
Yes, that is one of the many conditions is said to remedy. I have used it off and on for psoriasis (burns, but heals) and a wart on my finger. When I remember to use it those things improve as well as that big C you mentioned. I find it works really well as an appetite suppressant, also. Good things all around. But, I have tried several different concoctions and I cannot tolerate drinking it. I have used it in detox baths and directly on my skin.
Re: apple cider vinegar
03 Oct 2013, 09:38
Yes it is indeed very effective in fixing things like that, although rather too well so don't go overboard. :shock: I used to drink it in hot water but thought it tasted foul so I have gone back to just using it in salad dressings.
Re: apple cider vinegar
03 Oct 2013, 10:13
I use a lot of apple cider vinegar, it's a miracle product, for me. For bronchitis, hemorroids, to drain sinuses, sore throat, dandruffs,etc. I drink hot water with apple cider vinegar and honey everyday and my breathing is much better since I became doing that. :wink:
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